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C++ Agent Context API


This documentation is correct for only versions of sc-machine that >= 0.10.0.

The C++ Agent context API provides tools for managing the context in which agents operate. This API provides additional sc-memory methods that simplify working with it and provide additional methods to work with sc-events and agents.


The ScAgentContext class is inherited from ScMemoryContext class and provides functionality for managing agent-specific operations, including event subscriptions, actions, and structures within the sc-machine.


All API methods are thread-safe.


To include this API provide #include <sc-memory/sc_agent_context.hpp> in your hpp source.


Objects of ScAgentContext class are movable, but not copyable.


This method can be useful when you want create sc-event subscription, but don't want to use agents for this. CreateElementaryEventSubscription generates sc-event subscription with specified subscription (listen) sc-element and on-event callback. To learn more about sc-event see C++ Events API, to learn more about sc-event subscriptions see C++ Event subscriptions API.

// Create or use existing sc-agent context.
ScAgentContext context;

// Create sc-event subscription (listen) sc-element.
ScAddr const & nodeAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);
// Choose sc-event type to subscribe for.
using MyEventType = ScEventAfterGenerateOutgoingArc<
// Create sc-event subscription for generated sc-node (listen sc-element) 
// and provide on-event callback.
auto eventSubscription 
  = context.CreateElementaryEventSubscription<MyEventType>(
  [](MyEventType const & event) -> void
    // Handle sc-event.

// Initiate sc-event. Generate sc-arc from `nodeAddr`.
ScAddr const & otherNodeAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType:::ConstNode);
context.GenerateConnector(ScType::ConstPermPosArc, nodeAddr, otherNodeAddr);
// After that sc-arc will be generated, sc-event will occur 
// and specified on-event callback will be called.


You can provide empty on-event callback {} in CreateElementaryEventSubscription and call SetDelegate from object of subscription to set new on-event callback.


You can call RemoveDelegate from object of subscription to remove existing on-event callback.


You should provide valid subscription sc-element. Otherwise, exception will be thrown.

If you don't know in advance what sc-event you need to subscribe for, you can use override version of this method.

// Create sc-event subscription (listen) sc-element.
ScAddr const & nodeAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);
// Choose sc-event type to subscribe or find it.
ScAddr const & eventClassAddr = GetSomeEventType(); // User-specified method.
// Create sc-event subscription for generated sc-node (listen sc-element) 
// and provide on-event callback.
auto eventSubscription = context.CreateElementaryEventSubscription(
  [](ScElementaryEvent const & event) -> void
    // Handle sc-event.

// Initiate sc-event. Generate sc-arc from `nodeAddr`.
ScAddr const & otherNodeAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType:::ConstNode);
context.GenerateConnector(ScType::ConstPermPosArc, nodeAddr, otherNodeAddr);
// After that sc-arc will be generated, sc-event will occur 
// and specified on-event callback will be called.


A sc-event class must be valid and must belong to sc_event class.


All sc-event classes provided by sc-machine always belongs to sc_event class.


You can generate waiter for some sc-event. It is useful when your agent should wait other agent.

// Find sc-event subscription (listen) sc-element.
ScAddr const & nodeAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("my_node");
// Choose sc-event type to subscribe for.
using MyEventType = ScEventAfterGenerateOutgoingArc<
// Create sc-event waiter for generated sc-node (listen sc-element).
auto eventWaiter = context.CreateEventWaiter<MyEventType>(
  []() -> void
    // Here you can provide some code, that will be called
    // when you will call `Wait` method.
    // For example, it will be code, that initiate some sc-event.
    // By default, this callback is empty.

// After creation, call method `Wait` and specify time while you 
// will wait sc-event for specified subscription sc-element
eventWaiter->Wait(200); // milliseconds
// By default, this wait time equals to 5000 milliseconds.
// You will wait until sc-event occurs or until specified time expires.

// Some other code should initiate sc-event (generate sc-arc from `nodeAddr`).
ScAddr const & otherNodeAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType:::ConstNode);
context.GenerateConnector(ScType::ConstPermPosArc, nodeAddr, otherNodeAddr);
// After that sc-arc will be generated and waiter will be resolved.


You should provide valid subscription sc-element. Otherwise, exception will be thrown.

Just like for the method of creating sc-event subscription, if you don't know sc-event class in advance, you can generate waiters dynamically.

// Find sc-event subscription (listen) sc-element.
ScAddr const & nodeAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("my_node");
// Choose sc-event type to subscribe or find it.
ScAddr const & eventClassAddr = GetSomeEventType(); // User-specified method.
// Create sc-event waiter for generated sc-node (listen sc-element)   
// and provide on-event callback.
auto eventWaiter = context.CreateEventWaiter(


A sc-event class must be valid and must belong to sc_event class.


In addition to the waiting time, you can also specify check that will be called when sc-event to which we have subscribed occurs.

// Find sc-event subscription (listen) sc-element.
ScAddr const & nodeAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("my_node");
// Choose sc-event type to subscribe for.
using MyEventType = ScEventAfterGenerateOutgoingArc<
// Create sc-event waiter for generated sc-node (listen sc-element).
auto eventWaiter = context.CreateConditionWaiter<MyEventType>(
  []() -> void
    // Here you can also provide some code, that will be called
    // when you will call `Wait` method.
    // For example, it will be code, that initiate some sc-event.
    // By default, this callback is empty.
  [](MyEventType const & event) -> bool
    // Here you can specify check for sc-event that will occur.
    // This check should return bool value.

eventWaiter->Wait(200); // milliseconds
// You will wait until sc-event occurs or until specified time expires.

// Some other code should initiate sc-event (generate sc-arc from `nodeAddr`).
ScAddr const & otherNodeAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType:::ConstNode);
context.GenerateConnector(ScType::ConstPermPosArc, nodeAddr, otherNodeAddr);
// After that sc-arc will be generated and waiter will be resolved.

Waiters with condition are very useful, when you want to call some agent and wait until this agent will finish work.

// Generate action and specify class for it.
ScAddr const & actionAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);
    ScType::ConstPermPosArc, MyKeynodes::my_action_class, actionAddr);
// Create sc-event waiter for generated action (listen sc-element).
// You should wait while sc-arc in action from `action_finished_successfully`
// will generated.
auto eventWaiter = context.CreateConditionWaiter<
  [&]() -> void
    // Initiate sc-event here.
        ScType::ConstPermPosArc> const & event) -> bool
    // Check sc-event here.
    return event.GetOtherElement()
      == ScKeynodes::action_finished_successfully;

eventWaiter->Wait(200); // milliseconds
// You will wait until sc-event occurs or until specified time expires.

You can also generate waiters with conditions dynamically, providing sc-event class from knowledge base.


ScModule provides API to subscribe agents to sc-events statically (see C++ Modules API). ScAgentContext also provides methods to subscribe agents to sc-events. It can be useful if you want to subscribe agents to sc-events dynamically.

To subscribe agent class to sc-event use SubscribeAgent.

// For agent classes inherited from `ScAgent` class write so.

// For agent classes inherited from `ScActionInitiatedAgent` class write so.


To unsubscribe agent class to sc-event use UnsubscribeAgent.

// For agent classes inherited from `ScAgent` class write so.

// For agent classes inherited from `ScActionInitiatedAgent` class write so.


If you subscribed some agent to sc-event, you should unsubscribe it from this sc-event after. Otherwise, when you will stop the sc-machine, warnings about it will be gotten.


You must provide valid subscription sc-elements.


Also, you can subscribe agent according to specification provided in knowledge base. Instead of subscription sc-elements, you should provide agent implementations. SubscribeSpecifiedAgent method finds specification of abstract agent for specified agent implementation and uses this specification to subscribe specified agent to sc-event.



If some specification elements will be not found, then exceptions will be thrown. Sure, that specification is full, and that it is loaded to knowledge base. This method doesn't load specification to knowledge base for specified agent class.

You can subscribe the same agents to sc-events according to several agent implementations. These agent implementations can be included to the same abstract agent or to different abstract agents.



This method finds specification of abstract agent for specified agent implementation and uses this specification to unsubscribe specified agent from sc-event.

// If your agent was subscribed to sc-event according to agent 
// implementation, you should unsubscribe from sc-event according 
// to this agent implementation. 
// If your agent was subscribed to sc-events according to several 
// agent implementations, you should unsubscribe from sc-events 
// according to these agent implementations.


If some specification elements will be not found, then exceptions will be thrown. Sure, that specification is full, and that it is loaded to knowledge base. This method doesn't load specification to knowledge base for specified agent class.


You must provide valid agent implementations.


All agents perform actions. We provide API to work with them. Use GenerateAction to generate object of ScAction class. To learn more about actions see C++ Action API.

// Find action class and generate action.
ScAction action = context.GenerateAction(actionClassAddr);


You should provide action class that is include to the one of types: receptor_action, effector_action, behavioral_action or information_action.


Action class sc-address must be valid.


// Or find action and convert it to object of `ScAction` class.
ScAction action = context.ConvertToAction(actionAddr);


Action sc-address must be valid.


We provide API to easy work with sets and structures in knowledge base.

// Generate new set.
ScSet set = context.GenerateSet();


// Or find set and convert it to object of `ScSet` class.
ScSet set = context.ConvertToSet(setAddr);


Set sc-address must be valid.


// Generate new structure.
ScStructure structure = context.GenerateStructure();


// Or find structure and convert it to object of `ScStructure` class.
ScStructure structure = context.ConvertToStructure(structureAddr);


Structure sc-address must be valid.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add my method to a ScAgentContext?

You can generate a class that will inherit ScAgentContext class. If you want to use it in your agent, do this:

class MyContext : public ScAgentContext
  // New methods.

class MyAgent : public ScAgent<MyEventType, MyContext>
  // Agent methods.

You will be able to use context of class, which you specify, in the agent's methods.

How can I wait for an event indefinitely?

By default, you can wait up to 5 seconds for an event to appear. You can wait for another time convenient for you. But we recommend waiting as long as you need, no longer. You don't need to generate waiters for several minutes or hours when the agent performs much faster, in milliseconds.

You can't wait indefinitely for an event, there is always a maximum waiting time after which you stop waiting. But, in order to wait for some event indefinitely, you can implement and subscribe an agent for that event. It will be triggered when event to be occurred. See C++ Agents API to learn more about agents.

What if I need to initiate agent on events from different nodes?

You can subscribe an agent to many different sc-elements, but for the same type of sc-event. You can use SubscribeAgent and UnsubscribeAgent to do this.

context.SubscribeAgent<MyAgent>(nodeAddr1, nodeAddr2);
// Here, you can provide array of subscriptions elements only 
// for agent classes inherited from `ScAgent` class.

But remember, that you have to unsubscribe the agent while the system is shutting down.

context.UnsubscribeAgent<MyAgent>(nodeAddr1, nodeAddr2);

When ScMultiset will be implemented?

Now, ScSet and ScStructure are implemented only. ScSet stores unique sc-elements. ScMultiset will be implemented soon.

What do I need to initiate agent on ScEventGeneratingIncomingArc and ScEventGeneratingOutgoingArc for one node?

You can subscribe an agent to sc-event of generating sc-connector -- ScEventGeneratingConnector. Then the agent will be triggered on incoming and outgoing sc-arcs.

What's the difference between ScSet and ScStructure?

ScSet is a class that represents sc-set. It is an entity that links one or more entities into a whole. ScStructure is a class represents sc-structure. It is a set of sc-elements, which includes sc-connections or sc-structures linking these sc-elements. Removal of one of sc-elements of the sc-structure may lead to violation of the integrity of this sc-structure. ScSet and ScStructure do not differ functionally. ScStructure is a stricter representation of sc-set.