C++ Waiters API
This is correct for only versions of sc-machine that >= 0.10.0.
The C++ Waiters API provides functionality for implementing wait conditions within agent workflows. This section covers how to create waiters that pause agent execution until specified conditions are met or events are triggered. It is particularly useful for synchronizing actions across multiple agents or ensuring that certain prerequisites are fulfilled before proceeding with tasks.
To include this API provide #include <sc-memory/sc_waiter.hpp>
in your hpp source.
ScWaiter and ScConditionWaiter
This type of objects is used to wait until some event emits until the maximum waiting time expires. It is usually used, when one of an ScAgent
wants to wait result of another one. There are next kind of ScWaiter
locks run flow until simple event emits. You can see the list of these events in the C++ Events API.ScConditionWaiter
locks run flow until simple event emits and specified conditional check returnstrue
. In other words, this works like anScWaiter
, but returns to run flow if special condition function returnstrue
. Condition function receives 3 parameters (see C++ Events API for more details about them).
To generate object of this class, you should call CreateEventWaiter
method from object of ScAgentContext
class. You can't use constructors of ScWaiter
class, because they are private.
// Generate or find some sc-node and generate waiter to wait until
// a sc-connector of the specified type is generated from or to this sc-node.
auto waiter = context.CreateEventWaiter<
[]() -> void
// Provide logic here, that should be called at exactly the same time
// when waiter will start to wait for sc-event to occur.
We recommend to use auto
instead of full type of waiter. In provided example waiter has std::shared_ptr<ScEventWaiter<ScEventAfterGenerateConnector<ScType::ConstPermPosArc>>>
Call this method from object of ScWaiter
class to wait for sc-event to occur.
bool const isWaited = waiter.Wait(200); // milliseconds.
// Here `200` is maximum waiting time for the specified event to occur.
// The event can happen faster than 200 milliseconds, then the result
// will be obtained earlier too.
By default, this method has default wait time the equals to 5000 milliseconds.
There is also a version of this method with three arguments. You can provide function that will be called after successful completion of waiting for the event to occur, and function that will be called after unsuccessful completion of waiting for the event to occur.
bool const isWaited = waiter.Wait(
[]() -> void
// Handle if waiter waited for sc-event to occur.
[]() -> void
// Handle if waiter didn't wait for sc-event to occur.
Use this method, when you want to change or provide function that should be called at exactly the same time when waiter will start to wait for sc-event to occur.
You can tell a waiter to stop waiting.
Then the Wait
method will stop waiting for the specified event to occur.
This class represents waiter for condition to occur. To generate object of this class, you should call CreateConditionWaiter
method from object of ScAgentContext
class. You can't also use constructors of ScConditionWaiter
class, because they are private.
// Generate or find some sc-node and generate waiter to wait until
// a sc-connector of the specified type is generated from or to this sc-node.
auto waiter = context.GenerateConditionWaiter<
[]() -> void
// Provide logic here, that should be called at exactly the same time
// when waiter will start to wait for sc-event to occur.
const & event) -> bool
// Check here, that occurred sc-event is sc-event that this waiter
// has been waiting for.
class inherits ScWaiter
class. You can use all methods of ScWaiter
class for objects of ScConditionWaiter
Examples of using waiters
There are some examples of usage for specified ScWaiter
- Wait input sc-connector into sc-element with
auto waiter = context.CreateEventWaiter<
- Wait input sc-connector into sc-element with
, with condition:
auto const CheckCallback
= [](ScEventAfterGenerateIncomingArc<
ScType::ConstPermPosArc> const & event)
// Check condition here.
// Return true or false depending on condition.
return false;
auto waiter = context.CreateConditionWaiter<
ScType::ConstPermPosArc>>(nodeAddr, CheckCallback);
// Provide wait time value.
waiter.Wait(10000); // milliseconds.
All constructors of these classes are private. You should C++ Agent context API to generate waiters.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why can't I call the constructor of a waiter for sc-event?
- Is it possible to represent a waiter in a knowledge base to wait for sc-event to occur?
Why can't I call the constructor of a waiter for sc-event?
First of all, it's not safe. We need more checks on input arguments because there are more of them. Secondly, it is correct from the OOP point of view. Constructors should not throw exceptions. Third, it is correct from the point of view of the architecture we use in the sc-machine. The ScAgentContext
is a facade over all possible objects used by agents.
Is it possible to represent a waiter in a knowledge base to wait for sc-event to occur?
Yes, you can make an agent that will do that.