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C++ System Identifier API


This is correct for only versions of sc-machine that >= 0.10.0.

This API allows to work with system identifiers of sc-elements. All methods of this API are the part of class ScMemoryContext. So, you can use they from object of class ScMemoryContext.

A system identifier is an identifier that is unique within the entire knowledge base. This identifier is usually used in the source texts of the lower-level knowledge base. To ensure internationalization, it is recommended that system identifiers be written in English. The characters used in the system identifier can be letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, underscores and dashes. Thus, it is most appropriate to form the system identifier of the sc-element from the main English one by replacing all characters not included in the alphabet described above with the character “_”.


All system identifiers must satisfy the regular pattern ([a-z]|[A-Z]|'_'|'.'|[0-9])+.


Now only sc-nodes and sc-links can have system identifiers.

There is a quintuple of sc-node with its system identifier.


To include this API provide #include <sc-memory/sc_memory.hpp> in your hpp source.


To set system identifier for some sc-node or sc-link, use the method SetElementSystemIdentifier. If passed system identifier is not valid then the method SetElementSystemIdentifier will throw the exception utils::ExceptionInvalidParams with description of the error. If passed system identifier is already used for other sc-element then the method will return false.

ScAddr const & nodeAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);

bool const & isSystemIdentifierSet 
    = context.SetElementSystemIdentifier("my_node", nodeAddr);
// The value of `isSystemIdentifierSet` must be equal to `true`.

If you want to get creating quintuple you can provide variable of type ScSystemIdentifierQuintuple as out parameter.

ScAddr const & nodeAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);

ScSystemIdentifierQuintuple quintuple;
bool const & isSystemIdentifierSet 
    = context.SetElementSystemIdentifier("my_node", nodeAddr, quintuple);
ScAddr const & myNodeAddr = quintuple.addr1;
// The value of `myNodeAddr` must be equal to the value of `nodeAddr`.
ScAddr const & arcToSystemIdtfLinkAddr = quintuple.addr2;
// The sc-address of common sc-arc between your sc-node and 
// sc-link with system identifier of your sc-node.
ScAddr const & systemIdtfLinkAddr = quintuple.addr3;
// The sc-address of sc-link with system identifier of your sc-node.
ScAddr const & arcToArcToSystemIdtfLinkAddr = quintuple.addr4;
// The sc-address of membership sc-arc between binary sc-relation 
// with system identifier `nrel_system_identifier` and the common sc-arc
// between your sc-node and sc-link with system identifier of your sc-node.
ScAddr const & nrelSystemIdtfAddr = quintuple.addr5;
// The sc-address of binary sc-relation with system identifier 
// `nrel_system_identifier`.


To get system identifier of sc-element you can use the method GetElementSystemIdentifier. If sc-element hasn't system identifier then the method will return empty string.

ScAddr const & nodeAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);

bool const & isSystemIdentifierSet 
    = context.SetElementSystemIdentifier("my_node", nodeAddr);
// The value of `isSystemIdentifierSet` must be equal to `true`.

std::string const & systemIdtf = context.GetElementSystemIdentifier(nodeAddr);
// The value of `systemIdtf` must be equal to `"my_node"`.


You can find sc-element by its system identifier. For this use the method SearchElementBySystemIdentifier. It will return true if there is sc-element with provided system identifier, otherwise false.

ScAddr const & nodeAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);

bool const & isSystemIdentifierSet 
    = context.SetElementSystemIdentifier("my_node", nodeAddr);
// The value of `isSystemIdentifierSet` must be equal to `true`.

ScAddr resultAddr;
bool const & isElementWithSystemIdtfFound 
    = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("my_node", resultAddr);
// The value of `isElementWithSystemIdtfFound` must be equal to `true` 
// and the value of `resultAddr` must be equal to the value of `nodeAddr`.

// Or use the another definition of this method.
resultAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("my_node");
// The value of `resultAddr` must be equal to the value of `nodeAddr`.

// Or use the another definition of this method.
resultAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("not_my_node");
// The value of `resultAddr` must be invalid.

If you want to find quintuple sc-element with its system identifier you can provide variable of type ScSystemIdentifierQuintuple as out parameter.

ScAddr const & nodeAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);

bool const & isSystemIdentifierSet 
    = context.SetElementSystemIdentifier("my_node", nodeAddr);
// The value of `isSystemIdentifierSet` must be equal to `true`.

ScSystemIdentifierQuintuple quintuple;
bool const & isElementWithSystemIdtfFound 
    = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("my_node", quintuple);
ScAddr const & myNodeAddr = quintuple.addr1;
// The value of `myNodeAddr` must be equal to the value of `nodeAddr`.
ScAddr const & arcToSystemIdtfLinkAddr = quintuple.addr2;
// The sc-address of common sc-arc between your sc-node 
// and sc-link with system identifier of your sc-node.
ScAddr const & systemIdtfLinkAddr = quintuple.addr3;
// The sc-address of sc-link with system identifier of your sc-node.
ScAddr const & arcToArcToSystemIdtfLinkAddr = quintuple.addr4;
// The sc-address of membership sc-arc between binary sc-relation 
// with system identifier `nrel_system_identifier` and the common sc-arc 
// between your sc-node and sc-link with system identifier of your sc-node.
ScAddr const & nrelSystemIdtfAddr = quintuple.addr5;
// The sc-address of binary sc-relation with system identifier 
// `nrel_system_identifier`.


Very often you can need to resolve sc-element by system identifier. Resolve sc-element by system identifier refers to finding for sc-element with providing system identifier and (if such sc-element is not found) creating sc-element with provided system identifier and sc-type.

ScAddr const & nodeAddr 
    = ResolveElementSystemIdentifier("my_node", ScType::ConstNode);
// If there is no sc-element with system identifier `"my_node"` 
// then the method will create sc-element with this system identifier 
// and provided sc-type `ScType::ConstNode`.


Provided sc-type must be a subtype of sc-type of sc-node or sc-type of sc-link.

If you want to resolve quintuple sc-element with its system identifier you can provide variable of type ScSystemIdentifierQuintuple as out parameter.

ScSystemIdentifierQuintuple quintuple;
bool const & isSystemIdentifierResolved 
    = context.ResolveElementSystemIdentifier(
        "my_node", ScType::ConstNode, quintuple);
ScAddr const & myNodeAddr = quintuple.addr1;
// The sc-address of resolved sc-node by provided system identifier.
ScAddr const & arcToSystemIdtfLinkAddr = quintuple.addr2;
// The sc-address of common sc-arc between your sc-node and sc-link 
// with system identifier of your sc-node.
ScAddr const & systemIdtfLinkAddr = quintuple.addr3;
// The sc-address of sc-link with system identifier of your sc-node.
ScAddr const & arcToArcToSystemIdtfLinkAddr = quintuple.addr4;
// The sc-address of membership sc-arc between binary sc-relation
// with system identifier `nrel_system_identifier` and the common sc-arc 
// between your sc-node and sc-link with system identifier of your sc-node.
ScAddr const & nrelSystemIdtfAddr = quintuple.addr5;
// The sc-address of binary sc-relation with system identifier 
// `nrel_system_identifier`.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I specify empty system identifier for sc-element?

You can not specify empty system identifier for sc-element. All system identifiers must satisfy the regular pattern ([a-z]|[A-Z]|'_'|'.'|[0-9])+.