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C++ ScTemplate API


This documentation is correct for only versions of sc-machine that >= 0.10.0.

Sc-templates is a very powerful mechanism to work with semantic network (graph). You can generate and search any constructions using sc-templates. In the following picture the sc-template and the isomorphic sc-construction are shown.


To include this API provide #include <sc-memory/sc_memory.hpp> in your hpp source.


The class to work with sc-templates in C++ API. Before reading this paragraph you need to read common information about sc-element types.

Let use f symbols for constant parameter of sc-template. Let use a symbol for a variable parameter of sc-template. Then sc-template to search all outgoing sc-connectors from specified sc-element will be a triple:

  • where the first sc-element is known f;
  • second and the third sc-elements need to be found a.

There are possible 3 types of triple sc-templates:

  • f_a_a - sc-template to find all outgoing sc-connectors from a specified sc-element;
  • f_a_f - sc-template to find all sc-connectors between two specified sc-elements;
  • a_a_f - sc-template to find all incoming sc-connectors to a specified sc-element.

And there are possible 7 types of quintuple sc-templates:

  • f_a_a_a_a - sc-template to find all outgoing sc-connectors from a specified sc-element with all attributes of this sc-connectors;
  • f_a_f_a_a - sc-template to find all sc-connectors between two specified sc-elements with all attributes of this sc-connectors;
  • f_a_a_a_f - sc-template to find all outgoing sc-connectors from a specified sc-element with specified attribute;
  • f_a_f_a_f - sc-template to find all sc-connectors between two specified sc-elements with specified attribute;
  • a_a_f_a_a - sc-template to find all incoming sc-connectors to a specified sc-element with all attributes of this sc-connectors;
  • a_a_f_a_f - sc-template to find all incoming sc-connectors to a specified sc-element with specified attribute;
  • a_a_a_a_f - sc-template to find all sc-connectors with specified attribute.

Here attribute is sc-element from which the sc-connector is outgoing to the searchable sc-connectors.

There are some methods available for ScTemplate class:


It is the method that adds triple sc-construction into sc-template. There are some examples of using this function to produce simple sc-templates:

Template Description
f_a_a Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;

This triple sc-template is used to traverse outgoing sc-connectors from specified sc-element.
There param1 is a known sc-address of sc-element. It must be a valid (use IsElement method to check). Where _param2 and _param3 are sc-types for compare by search engine. When search engine will traverse outgoing sc-connectors from param1. Construction will be added into traverse result, where outgoing sc-arc from param1, will suitable to specified type _param2, and type of target sc-element of this sc-arc will be suitable for a type _param3.
You can use any sc-type of _param3 (including sc-connectors) depending on sc-construction you want to find. But _param2 should be any sc-type of variable sc-connector.
f_a_f Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;

This triple sc-template using to find sc-arc between param1 and param3.
There are param1 and param3 a known ScAddr of sc-elements. Arc type _param2 should be variable.
a_a_f Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;

This triple sc-template using to traverse incoming sc-connectors to specified sc-element.
There param3 is a known sc-address of sc-element. You can use any type of _param1 (including sc-connectors) depending on construction you want to find. But _param2 should be any type of variable connector.


It is the method that adds quintuple sc-construction into sc-template. There are some examples of using this function to produce simple sc-templates:

Template Description
f_a_a_a_a Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;
f_a_f_a_a Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;
f_a_a_a_f Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;
f_a_f_a_f Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;
a_a_f_a_a Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;
a_a_f_a_f Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;
a_a_a_a_f Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;

When sc-template search engine works, it tries to traverse graph by simple (triple or quintuple) sc-template in order they specified. For example, we need to check if specified sc-element (_set) is included into concept_set class and concept_binary_relation class:

There is example code that generates equal sc-template.

// Find key concepts that should be used in sc-template.
ScAddr const & conceptSetAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("concept_set");
ScAddr const & conceptBinaryRelationAddr 
    = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("concept_binary_relation");

// Generate sc-template and add triples into this sc-template.
ScTemplate templ;
  conceptSetAddr,    // sc-address of concept set node
  ScType::VarNode >> "_set"
  conceptBinaryRelationAddr,    // sc-address of concept binary relation node

In code, you can see a construction ScType::VarNode >> "_set" - this is a naming for a sc-template sc-element. It allows to set alias for a specified sc-element in sc-template, and use it many times in different triples. You can see, that in the second triple we use this alias "_set". That means, that we need to place search result from a first triple into the second. So the second triple is a f_a_f style triple.

So if you want to use the same sc-element _x in different triples, and you doesn't know it ScAddr, then just use two main rules:

  • Set alias of this sc-element in a first occurrence of this sc-element in sc-template triples. You need to use >> operator to do this (see code below, last sc-element of first triple).
  • When you need to use aliased sc-element in next triples, then just use it alias instead of ScType or ScAddr (see code below, first sc-element of second triple).

There is the example code with naming.

ScTemplate templ;
  anyAddr, // sc-address of known sc-element
  ScType::VarPermPosArc,  // type of unknown sc-arc
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"  // type and alias for an unknown sc-element
  "_x",  // say that is the same sc-element as the last on in a previous triple
  ScType::VarPermPosArc,  // type of unknown sc-arc
  ScType::VarNode  // type of unknown sc-node

Inside a program object of a sc-template all its constructions are represented as triples.


To check that sc-template has an aliased sc-element you can use the method HasReplacement.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"
bool const hasAliasX = templ.HasReplacement("_x");
// The value of `hasAliasX` be equal to `true`.


To get count of triples in sc-template, use the method Size. It may be useful if your program can choose optimal for manipulating sc-template.

ScTemplate templ;
  anyAddr, // sc-address of known sc-element
  ScType::VarPermPosArc,  // type of unknown sc-arc
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"  // type and alias for an unknown sc-element
  "_x",  // say that is the same sc-element as the last on in a previous triple
  ScType::VarPermPosArc,  // type of unknown sc-arc
  ScType::VarNode  // type of unknown sc-node

size_t const tripleCount = templ.Size();
// The triple count must be equal to `2`.


If you need sc-template to be empty you don't have to add any constructions into it. But you should know that result of generation by this sc-template is always true and result of searching by this sc-template is always false. To check that sc-template is empty use the method IsEmpty.

ScTemplate templ;
bool const isEmpty = templ.IsEmpty();
// The value of `isEmpty` be equal to `true`.


Also, you can build sc-templates using SCs-code.

// Describe your sc-template in SCs-code.
sc_char const * data = 
  "  _<- concept_set;"
  "  _<- concept_binary_set;;";

// Build program object by this sc-template.
ScTemplate templ;
context.BuildTemplate(templ, data);


Don't use result value, it doesn't mean anything.

During sc-template building all constants will be resolved by their system identifier (in example: concept_set, concept_binary_set), so in result templ will contain sc-template:

Or you can it by specifying valid sc-address of some sc-template in sc-memory.

// Find by system identifier your sc-template in sc-memory.
ScAddr const & templAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("my_template");

// Build program object by this sc-template.
ScTemplate templ;
context.BuildTemplate(templ, templAddr);


Don't use result value, it doesn't mean anything.


You can replace existing sc-variables in sc-templates by your ones. To provide different replacements for sc-variables in different cases there is class ScTemplateParams. It stores a map between sc-variables and specified values (replacements).

ScTemplateParams params;


You can add replacement for sc-variable by specifying system identifier of this sc-variable if sc-template is built from SCs-code.

// Describe your sc-template on SCs-code.
sc_char const * data = 
  "  _<- concept_set;"
  "  _<- concept_binary_set;;";

// Generate replacement in sc-memory.
ScAddr const & setAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);
// Also you can find some replacement from sc-memory.

// Define replacements for sc-variables in sc-template.
ScTemplateParams params;
params.Add("_set", setAddr);

// Build program object by this sc-template, specifying replacements.
ScTemplate templ;
context.BuildTemplate(templ, data, params);

Or you can add replacement for sc-variable by specifying sc-address of this sc-variable if sc-template is built from sc-address of sc-structure in sc-memory.

// Find by system identifier your sc-template in sc-memory.
ScAddr const & templAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("my_template");

// Find by system identifier sc-address of sc-variable in your sc-template.
ScAddr const & setVarAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("_set");

// Generate replacement in sc-memory.
ScAddr const & setAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);
// Also you can find some replacement from sc-memory.

// Define replacements for sc-variables in sc-template.
ScTemplateParams params;
params.Add(setVarAddr, setAddr);

// Build program object by this sc-template, specifying replacements.
ScTemplate templ;
context.BuildTemplate(templ, templAddr, params);


Sometimes you need to check if there is replacement in params yet. You can do it using the method Get. It works with system identifiers and sc-addresses of sc-variables also.

// Generate replacement in sc-memory.
ScAddr const & setAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);
// Also you can find some replacement from sc-memory.

// Define replacements for sc-variables in sc-template.
ScTemplateParams params;
params.Add("_set", setAddr);

ScAddr const & replAddr = params.Get("_set");
// The value of `replAddr` be equal to value of `setAddr`.
// Find by system identifier sc-address of sc-variable in your sc-template.
ScAddr const & setVarAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("_set");

// Generate replacement in sc-memory.
ScAddr const & setAddr = context.GenerateNode(ScType::ConstNode);
// Also you can find some replacement from sc-memory.

// Define replacements for sc-variables in sc-template.
ScTemplateParams params;
params.Add(setVarAddr, setAddr);

ScAddr const & replAddr = params.Get(setVarAddr);
// The value of `replAddr` be equal to value of `setAddr`.


If there are no replacements by specified system identifier or sc-address of sc-variable of sc-template then the method Get will return empty sc-address.


To check that replacements map is empty use the method IsEmpty.

ScTemplateParams params;
bool const isEmpty = params.IsEmpty();
// The value of `isEmpty` be equal to `true`.


Use sc-template to generate graphs in sc-memory and get replacements from result.

// Specify sc-template for searching sc-constructions in sc-memory.
// You can use `ScTemplate` methods or method ScTemplateBuild to translate 
// sc-template from SCs-code or sc-memory into program representation.
ScTemplateResultItem result;
context.GenerateByTemplate(templ, result);
// Sc-elements sc-addresses of generated sc-construction may be gotten from 
// `result`.


Remember, that sc-template must contain only valid sc-address of sc-elements and all sc-connectors in it must be sc-variables. Otherwise, this method can throw utils::ExceptionInvalidParams with description of this error.


It is a class that stores information about sc-construction.

Safe Get

You can get sc-addresses of sc-elements of generated sc-construction by system identifier or sc-address of sc-variable in sc-template. To do it safely (without throwing exceptions if there are no replacements by specified system identifier or sc-address of sc-variable of sc-template) use the methods Get and provide result of replacement as out parameter in this method.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"

ScTemplateResultItem result;
context.GenerateByTemplate(templ, result);

ScAddr setAddr;
bool replExist = result.Get("_x", setAddr);
// The value of `replExist` be equal to `true`.

bool replExist = result.Get("_y", setAddr);
// The value of `replExist` be equal to `false`.


If you want to catch exceptions, if there are no replacements by specified system identifier or sc-address of sc-variable of sc-template, use the method Get and get replacement as result of this method. Then this method will throw utils::ExceptionInvalidParams with description of error.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"

ScTemplateResultItem result;
context.GenerateByTemplate(templ, result);

ScAddr setAddr = result.Get("_x");

setAddr = result.Get("_y", setAddr);
// It will throw the exception `utils::ExceptionInvalidParams`.


To check that there is replacement by specified system identifier or sc-address of sc-variable of sc-template use the method Has.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"

ScTemplateResultItem result;
context.GenerateByTemplate(templ, result);

bool const replExist = result.Has("_x");
// The value of `replExist` be equal to `true`.


To get all replacements in result you can use the operator[]. It returns replacement by index of sc-variable in sc-template. If there is no sc-variable with specified index this method will throw the exception utils::ExceptionInvalidParams with description of the error.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"

ScTemplateResultItem result;
context.GenerateByTemplate(templ, result);

ScAddr const & setAddr = result[2];
// It is equal to `result.Get("_x")`.


If you want to iterate all replacement in the result you need to know size of this result.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"

ScTemplateResultItem result;
context.GenerateByTemplate(templ, result);

// Iterate by all replacements in result.
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.Size(); ++i)
  ScAddr const & addr = result[i];
  // Implement your code to handle replacements.


The method Size returns summary count of indexes of replacements in each triple in sc-template. If there are 2 triples in sc-template, then there are 2 * 3 = 6 different indexes of replacements in sc-template.


You can search sc-construction in sc-memory by sc-templates. This search refers to isomorphic search by graph-template. Search algorithm trying to find all possible variants of specified construction. It uses any constants (available sc-addresses from parameters to find equal sc-constructions in sc-memory).

// Specify sc-template for searching sc-constructions in sc-memory.
// You can use `ScTemplate` methods or method ScTemplateBuild to translate 
// sc-template from SCs-code or sc-memory into program representation.
ScTemplateSearchResult result;
bool const isFoundByTemplate = context.SearchByTemplate(templ, result);
// Program representation of sc-constructions in `ScTemplateResultItem` 
// may be gotten from `result`.


Remember, that sc-template must contain only valid sc-address of sc-elements and all sc-connectors in it must be sc-variables. Otherwise, this method can throw utils::ExceptionInvalidParams with description of this error.


It is a class that stores in information about sc-constructions represented in ScTemplateResultItem. An object of class ScTemplateSearchResult can be referred to a vector of objects of class ScTemplateResultItem.

Safe Get

To get object of class ScTemplateResultItem you can use the method Get. If you want to get objects safely, use the method Get and provide ScTemplateResultItem as out parameter in this method.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"
// There is one sc-construction that is isomorphic this sc-template.

ScTemplateSearchResult result;
bool const isFoundByTemplate = context.SearchByTemplate(templ, result);

ScTemplateResultItem item;
bool constrExist = result.Get(0, item);
// The value of `constrExist` be equal to `true`.

constrExist = result.Get(1, item);
// The value of `constrExist` be equal to `false` and item is not valid.


If you want to catch exceptions use the method Get and get result as return value. If there is no sc-construction with specified index this method will throw the exception utils::ExceptionInvalidParams with description of the error.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"
// There is one sc-construction that is isomorphic this sc-template.

ScTemplateSearchResult result;
bool const isFoundByTemplate = context.SearchByTemplate(templ, result);

ScTemplateResultItem item = result.Get(0);
// It is a valid item.

item = result.Get(1);
// It throws `utils::ExceptionInvalidParams`.


Also, you can use the method operator[] to do this. If there is no sc-construction with specified index this method will throw the exception utils::ExceptionInvalidParams with description of the error.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"
// There is one sc-construction that is isomorphic this sc-template.

ScTemplateSearchResult result;
bool const isFoundByTemplate = context.SearchByTemplate(templ, result);

ScTemplateResultItem item = result[0];
// It is a valid item.

item = result[1];
// It throws `utils::ExceptionInvalidParams`.


To get count of found sc-constructions by sc-template you can use the method Size.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"
// There is one sc-construction that is isomorphic this sc-template.

ScTemplateSearchResult result;
bool const isFoundByTemplate = context.SearchByTemplate(templ, result);

size_t const count = result.Size();
// The value of `count` be equal to `1`.


To check if found result is empty use the method IsEmpty.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"
// There is one sc-construction that is isomorphic this sc-template.

ScTemplateSearchResult result;
bool const isFoundByTemplate = context.SearchByTemplate(templ, result);

bool const count = result.IsEmpty();
// The value of `count` be equal to `false`.


To clear all information about found sc-constructions use the method Clear.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"
// There is one sc-construction that is isomorphic this sc-template.

ScTemplateSearchResult result;
bool const isFoundByTemplate = context.SearchByTemplate(templ, result);

// After that `result` does not contain any information about sc-constructions.


To iterate all program objects of found sc-constructions by sc-template you can use for-each cycle.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"
// There is one sc-construction that is isomorphic this sc-template.

ScTemplateSearchResult result;
bool const isFoundByTemplate = context.SearchByTemplate(templ, result);

for (size_t i = 0; i < result.Size(); ++i)
  ScTemplateResultItem const & item = result.Get(i);
  // Implement logic to handle found sc-constructions.

Or you can use the method ForEach to do this.

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarNode >> "_x"
// There is one sc-construction that is isomorphic this sc-template.

ScTemplateSearchResult result;
bool const isFoundByTemplate = context.SearchByTemplate(templ, result);

result.ForEach([](ScTemplateResultItem const & item) {
  // Implement logic to handle found sc-constructions.


This method searches constructions by isomorphic sc-template and pass found sc-constructions to callback lambda-function. Lambda-function callback must return a request command value to manage sc-template search:

  • ScTemplateSearchRequest::CONTINUE,
  • ScTemplateSearchRequest::STOP,
  • ScTemplateSearchRequest::ERROR.

When ScTemplateSearchRequest::CONTINUE returns, sc-template search will be continued. If ScTemplateSearchRequest::STOP or ScTemplateSearchRequest::ERROR returns, then sc-template search stops. If sc-template search stopped by ScTemplateSearchRequest::ERROR, then SearchByTemplateInterruptibly thrown utils::ExceptionInvalidState. If filterCallback passed, then all found sc-constructions triples are filtered by filterCallback condition.

ScAddr const & structureAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("my_structure");
ScAddr const & setAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("my_set");
ScAddr const & classAddr = context.SearchElementBySystemIdentifier("my_class");

ScTemplate templ;
  ScType::VarPermPosArc >> "_arc",
  ScType::Unknown >> "_addr2"
m_context->SearchByTemplateInterruptibly(templ, [&context](
    ScTemplateSearchResultItem const & item) -> ScTemplateSearchRequest 
  ScAddr const & arcAddr = item["_arc"];
  if (context->CheckConnector(
      structureAddr, arcAddr, ScType::ConstPermPosArc))   
    return ScTemplateSearchRequest::CONTINUE;

  if (context.GenerateConnector(
      ScType::ConstTempPosArc, setAddr, item["_addr2"]))
    return ScTemplateSearchRequest::STOP;

  return ScTemplateSearchRequest::ERROR;

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to describe sc-templates for search? By sc-template C++ API or on the SC-code?

The description of sc-templates in the knowledge base encourages the use of reflection for them. The sc-templates described in the knowledge base can be easily expanded and improved. However, sc-templates presented through the API do not require preprocessing (translation from the knowledge base), so the speed of the program used by such sc-templates may be higher if the sc-templates have significant size.

Which is better: searching by sc-template or by iterator?

In all cases sc-iterator is faster the searching by sc-template. If you want to search large sc-constructions, then don't search they by one large sc-template, divide it into certain sc-templates or use sc-iterators instead of sc-template.