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Quick Start


The scl-machine can't be used on Windows.

Use scl-machine as an extension to sc-machine

  1. Download pre-built artifacts of sc-machine from GitHub Releases and extract it to any location.

    To learn more about how to install and use sc-machine artifacts, see sc-machine quick start.

  2. Download pre-built artifacts of scl-machine from GitHub Releases and extract it to any location.

  3. Then specify the folder path to lib/extensions from extracted scl-machine folder when running the sc-machine binary:

    ./path/to/extracted/sc-machine/binary -s path/to/kb.bin \
        -e "path/to/extracted/scl-machine/lib/extensions;path/to/extracted/sc-machine/lib/extensions"
    # if several paths to extensions are provided then they should be separated 
    # by semicolon and wrapped in double quotes

Use scl-machine as a C++ library in your project


You can use Conan to install scl-machine. To integrate scl-machine into your project using Conan, follow these steps:

  1. Create a conanfile.txt in your project root with the following content:

  2. Install pipx first using guide:

  3. Install Conan if not already installed:

    pipx install conan
    pipx ensurepath
  4. Update CMake to 3.24:

    pipx install cmake
    pipx ensurepath
  5. Relaunch your shell after installation.

    exec $SHELL
  6. Add the OSTIS-AI remote Conan repository:

    conan remote add ostis-ai
  7. Install scl-machine and its dependencies:

    conan install . --build=missing
  8. Import scl-machine targets into your CMake project by using:

    find_package(scl-machine REQUIRED)
  9. Link scl-machine::inference target to your target:

        LINK_PUBLIC scl-machine::inference
  10. Go to problem solver documentation to learn how to use scl-machine agents.

In case you want to make changes to the project sources, please refer to the build system docs.